Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Life in a vacuum ...

It's Sunday, and the eve of our departure from Leeds. Despite the good weather that would normally have had us headed to the Dales for the day - at 7.30pm we're still sat here packing all our gear away into bags and boxes for storage in the spare room ... I've discovered today that there's precious little you can't vacuum pack - here's most of the clothes I'm leaving behind in 1 handy bag ... in fact it's almost a shame we can't bring the hoover with us! Tomorrow we catch the train to London, where we'll spend the day meeting a few last friends before flying to Russia on Tuesday morning. I guess future updates may now get a bit variable, dependent on local conditions - but I'll try and keep the flow fairly regular with some time delayed updates (this is one of them) when we're out in the middle of nowhere. So by the time you read this we'll be well on our way - here's to our new life - no worries, no hoover & very definitely no work for the next few months !

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