Putin is my hero ...
Last night we had our official leaving party - only 3 weeks left now !
Big thanks to Anton and Mike for DJ-ing - I hope you both still managed to have a good time.
Here's our new Russian emergency pack - miniatures with Russian-English translations of phrases designed to introduce us to the locals - courtesy of Dan & Alison.
We'll need to pick our moment carefully if we're going to use the Putin one ... I'll certainly need to improve my knowledge of Russian politics first!
Passports & visa's finally arrived this week - and the dreaded tax return is done (far worse to do when away). Otherwise it's been intense email traffic between Leeds and Mongolia, hopefully we should get our plans finalised this week.
Check out the new media section - links to my photos and video, so you can go beyond the few highlights that make it here.
Due to the Easter weekend we didn't manage to catch up with all of you last night - but remember, there are still 21 drinking days left - so we'll try and fit you all in before the end of the month !